The Particle Collision project got me interested in Blender. Over the course of many years, I did several Renders.

A Solar Sailer to Mars.

My helpful screenshot

A Portable TV. I did’nt model this. Just did the shading and reflections.

My helpful screenshot

The Three images below are wierd. I know. Polyhedra, The Penrose Triangle and a Hypercube.

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

2001: ASO

My helpful screenshot

The Machine from Contact I got appreciation for this in reddit from a student of the Professor who worked on the VFX for the movie 😊. This image shows up in google images now when you search "Contact Machine"

My helpful screenshot

This one is based on a Dream I once had. Had to learn Volumetric lighting to render this.

My helpful screenshot

Just a Fog & Sunshine experiment.

My helpful screenshot

Same image, but with volumetric lighting. but a bit too noisy.

My helpful screenshot