This is the beginning of a big project I’m undertaking as a part of my Blackberry 10 Internship. It is a music player, which can analyze mood of a given track, and also guess our mood from the songs played. It uses support vector machine based regression to locate a song’s mood...

It had lots of cool (planned) features like an ‘Uplift Me’, which plays a sad song at first, but slowly plays happy songs!

My helpful screenshot

The screenshot below is my webapp for training the algorithm. Kind of like a crowdsourcing platform.

My helpful screenshot

Anyone can go to the page, and click the play button and play a song(randomly) and guess the song’s mood. The Webapp written in flask, saved all this information to an sqlite table in my laptop. I placed this in our college’s network for everyone to consume, and at the end of the day I had \~15% of my music collection of 4400 songs “moodated”. Hopefully, I’ll train the algorithm completely in a few weeks time.